What High School do you attend?*
What is your gender?*
What is your race/ethnicity? (Select one) Note: This information is voluntary and will in no way be used to discriminate against you.
How many different school districts have you attended since Kindergarten?*
To the best of your knowledge, what will be your overall final numerical/grade average upon graduation?*
What are your career plans, educational goals or objectives upon high school graduation?*
High School Experience - Choose the answer that best matches your opinion. You must provide a response for each statement*
High School Experience - Choose the answer that best matches your opinion. You must provide a response for each statement
  Always Most of the Time Sometimes Rarely Never
My courses were worthwhile and relevant to my life.
My teachers allowed me to explore in-depth topics that interested me.
My courses allowed me to use such tools as calculators, computers, tablets, etc. to access and process information.
My teachers provided opportunities to display my learning through projects, portfolios, and/or presentations.
My teachers gave me honest and understandable feedback such as progress reports or written comments on paper.
My teachers provided frequent feedback upon request from my parents or me.
My teachers gave me opportunities to apply what I was learning to complex, real-world issues or problems.
My teachers provided challenging coursework that caused me to think deeply about ideas and put them together in new ways.
My teachers provided clear expectations about how I was to behave and conduct myself in class.
Teachers consistently enforced rules and expectations in my classrooms.
My teachers had high expectations for my success in each course.
My teachers provided opportunities for me to work with and get to know people of different backgrounds, skill, and/or ability levels.
When the majority of students in a class did not understand a concept, my teacher adjusted his/her teaching of the lesson.
Technology in School - Choose the answer that best matches your opinion. You must provide a response for each statement*
Technology in School - Choose the answer that best matches your opinion. You must provide a response for each statement
  Always Most of the Time Sometimes Rarely Never
The school-provided chromebook was beneficial to my learning experiences and coursework.
The online content provided by my instructors was well-planned and easy to manage.
The chromebook was very functional, worked sufficiently and was easy to operate.
When completing assignments at my home, my internet or wifi was sufficient and without disruptions/problems.
Other Areas/Opportunities - For each area, would you have liked more information or been provided more assistance during high school? You must provide a response for each statement.*
Other Areas/Opportunities - For each area, would you have liked more information or been provided more assistance during high school? You must provide a response for each statement.
  Yes, definitely I'm good Not really
9th Grader Orientation (or new student)
Course Selection, course descriptions, and scheduling
Counselor Assistance for Course selection
Research skills development
Study Habits (skills) development
Test Taking improvement (Ex. SAT and/or ACT prep)
Develop Time Management skills
Career Information/Options
Industry and Business Leaders on Campus
Career & Technical Courses and Internships
4-year colleges/universities
College Applications - Assistance/Processes
Dual Enrollment (Career & College Promise at CVCC)
Financial Aid for College
Military Options
Extra-curricular or co-curricular activites (Ex. FCA, Science Olympiads)
Dealing with peers/other students
From the industries or career fields listed below, which do you find most appealing to you? Please provide a response for each statement*
From the industries or career fields listed below, which do you find most appealing to you? Please provide a response for each statement
  Yes, definitely Maybe - Maybe Not Not Interested
Agriculture/Food/Natural Resources
Architecture/Apparel/Interior Design
Government/Public Administration
Graphic Design/Arts/Theatre
Law/Public Safety/Corrections
Supply Chain/Driver/Logistics
In what school sponsored, extra-curricular or co-curricular activities have you participated during high school? Check all that Apply.
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